1 meMarc  Feb 26, 2008 1:34:34am

This is really bad news. Tom Cruise is going to be even more of a smug pain-in- the-ass.

2 Yidwithlid  Feb 26, 2008 3:19:08am

Oh My this saddens me. I am going back to bed and stay in it for a month or too

3 Josephine  Feb 26, 2008 8:16:05am

From the article: “Almost 50 clinical trials were reviewed by psychologists from the University of Hull who found that new-generation anti-depressants worked no better than a placebo – a dummy pill – for mildly depressed patients.”

Part of the problem is that, although they know what the medications do, they don’t understand why they do or do not work on depression.

Part of the reason is that, although scientists understand some aspects of what happens during depression, they don’t fully understand the causes and most certainly don’t know the cure.

Doctors can’t predict who will respond favourably to an anti-depressant. This makes it difficult because depressed patients have to take a medication for at least three months before they know if it’s going to help them.

Within that three months, some people’s depression will have lifted naturally, without medication, some will have stayed the same and some will have worsened. That’s why, with low-level depression, people shouldn’t be pressured to take medication. Even if the depression lingers, some people find it easier to cope with that than with the side effects of some medications.

The real danger is with people who are experiencing major depression because their lives are more profoundly affected, and possibly endangered, by the illness. Although it might still be hit-and-miss, and require tweaking over time, medication can make the difference between functioning and being homebound and sometimes between life and death.

There is a huge difference between mild and major depression.

4 MacGregor  Feb 26, 2008 5:48:40pm

Even worse, when a patient goes off these drugs, they’re more inclined to commit violence, suicide. How many times have I heard a school shooter was ‘off his meds.’

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